I had downloaded the Max Pitch Package before doing Lab 1a. Now that I am on step 17 of lab 1b I am stuck. I deleted Pitches and now it's gone from where I need it. When I deleted it, there were two of them. One from 9/14/2023 and one from 9/17/2023. It said I could only edit the one from 9/14, so I deleted the one from 9/17. I'm confused on how to do this next step with Pitches being complately gone. If it helps, for lab 1a I believed I did everything for the assignment on the one from 9/17.

Yeah at the start of 1b you are supposed to delete the Pitch object you made in 1a and then when you install Max’s Pitch Package it adds a new Pitch Package. It you deleted the old one from 1a, then you should be able to just continue with the Max’s one unless you’ve already added records to that one, etc. If so you need in uninstall it and reinstall and pay again but I will refund you tomorrow.
Note you can’t delete Max’s one - you can only uninstall the package which removes it. So it you deleted one then it must have been the correct one to delete from 1a.