Dear All,
I hope you are all well. I wanted to pay the $19.99 package that we need for the Max's Lab 1b. The only thing is that I want to pay with my own debit card, and it wants me to add it in PayPal. I am a transfer International student who transferred to a different U.S. University. I do not have an american number and SIM Card yet. I could not select the U.S.A option because to register it told me to put a +1, and as stated before I do not have an American number.
I have my Italian number, but my debit card is American not Italian. I connected my U.S. debit card to my normal email, and to my advisor's phone number (she helped me with the whole process in getting a U.S. Debit Card). When I select the region it should indicate U.S. states. Instead it gives me Italian states, and this is not good because the card does not register in the site, since it is American and not Italian.
Do you have any clues in what I can do to get this fixed? If I do not buy this I cannot go forward with the assignment/s.
I will wait further news from you.
Mario Coppola
Ok, please email me at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com and I can help you.