Hi! I am a student at Temple in MIS 2101 and I am having trouble with Lab 1b because initially when I completed the Lab and signed up for my certificate, I got a 31% due to many factors. As I was doing the Lab and following the instructions I noticed that in step 33 of Lab 1b it should have mapped out 12 when it only mapped 10. I noticed that this was an issue but I still proceeded. I got to the last step and I saw the errors that are shown in the first three pictures below. After this I decided and with the instructions of the grader that it was best to restart my whole Salesforce account and start with MaxLabs 1b step 5 and proceed on to finish this lab. However while doing this I downloaded the grader app and also the pitch package but for some reason, the grader app appexchange claims to not be passed. I am hesitant to continue because I don't want to get to the last step and have to start over again. (The fourth picture attached is for reference). Also I don't know why it didn't map out all 12 because I did follow every single step and confirmed it all the way up till then. I don't know where I may have went wrong. Lastly, I have paid twice for the package so please if you could reimburse me that would be greatly appreciated. The same email was used for both accounts!
Please help me!
With Regards,
Aaron Alexander
Sure, Aaron. I can help you with the lab and also refund your extra payment. But I looked in our PayPal records just now and can't find your name listed - maybe you used a different name for the payments? I would need to have that to look up the transactions - or the transactions IDs which would be on the receipts that PayPal emailed you. Why don't you email me at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com and we can sort that out, ok?
As for the issues with the grader, I need to better understand what you mean by "the grader app appexchange claims to not be passed." Maybe you can help me understand what you mean so I know what the underlying problem is.
Also, please do these 3 steps so I can access your account and take a look, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
On the left, under My Personal Information, click Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save