When I click next after the edit mapping page, I get a window that says "the matching pitch you chose (Pitch ID) is not mapped and is required for an Update and Insert operation".
the google drive doc I downloaded is titled "MaxsPitchData.csv"

Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
post in the right category
explain the problem clearly
The Pitch object you created in Lab 1a doesn't have those fields and you were supposed to delete it at the start of 1B.
Hmm....are you sure you deleted your own Pitch object when you started 1B? And you then installed Max's Pitch Package? Then you should be importing into the Pitch object that came in as part of Max's Pitch Package. That one has those two extra fields added and would map properly.
Lab 1b Step 31
When I import the file, the the SF Pitch object’s field names and the column headers do not perfectly match up. It says unmapped for the Address and Closability rows. Then when I go to map them, neither address or closability is an option to choose, so when I continue on to step 32 and 33, there are 10 mapped fields and 2 unmapped fields
Yes, April's right. It was Step 20. Either you correctly clicked "Add new records" and then somehow clicked on the "Match By" menu and selected "Name."
Or you accidentally clicked on "Update existing records" instead of "Add new records". (That will automatically set "Match By" to "Name".)
In either case, just restart the importing process from Step 16 and be sure to follow each step really carefully. Computers are super-picky and will get all messed up unless you give them the exact correct instructions!
Hi ,
I think the problem is when on step 20, when you click on "Add new records", you also select name in the "Match By" column, you should leave it as none. Click Previous on the current screen shot, and make "Match By" column a none again. I think Tthat should help.