how tp get pitch back after deleting i cant afford to buy the pitch pack and i followed the instrustions and deleted pitch how do i recover it
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Well, you're supposed to delete the old Pitch from Lab 1a during Steps 1-4 of Lab 1b. Then when you install Max's Pitch Package, it puts in a new Pitch for you. You can't delete the new one, You can only uninstall Max's Pitch Package to take it out. Which PItch are you talking about now?
If it's the old one from 1a and you're trying to get it back to grade it because you didn't grade 1a before going on to 1b, then there are instructions for dealing with that here:
That will work but be certain to heed the bold red warnings about grading each lab before moving on to the next one. Those appear on the cover page and trailer page of every lab. Super important to read every instruction, including the cover page, so you don't make mistakes that take way longer to fix in the end, ok?