My professor is not using the grading system that is provided for this program and wants screenshots. I did not realize this and did both 1A and 1B, alot of my reports are deleted because of that. Is there a way I can get those screenshots without making a new account and having to buy the upgraded program again?
Thank you!
So your instructor gave you the version of the labs that says to use the auto-grader but then said not to use it? Can you tell me who that is and which university you're at so I can get in touch with them?
Anyway, it looks like you just did Lab 1b today so your Lab 1a Pitch object should not be fully deleted yet and can be recovered. I can help you with that. But you have the Lab 1b screencaps right? Or you need those too? Those you should be able to regenerate easily if you haven't done much of 2a yet. Just go to Reports and select each one and it should appear. And for the one that is just a listview, not a report, you can just go to your Pitches tab and select the listview you need if it's not already showing.
I can help on the 1a ones if you do these 3 steps: so I can access your account. Let me know when you've done them, ok?
Log in and click on the character icon (upper right) and click My Settings
On the left, under My Personal Information, click Grant Account Login Access below that
On the row for The Max Labs Project Support, use the --No Access-- pull-down menu to select 1 month and click Save