I had some problems in step 34. I had 4 "Record Failed", but I did not know how to delete it. Also, I uploaded Excel two more times and deleted some P00X in "pitch everything". In the Help HAQ, he said that I need to delete record in pitches, but my pitches have nothing here.
Now, I do not know how to fix it. Therefore, I hope that I can do it again. Or how to delete those record? Can you help me? Please!
I responded to you email just now so look at that but I think maybe you skipped Step 22 because that is where you need to set the Local to English (United States) so that the date format in SF matches the one in the import file (month/day/year). When that is not set properly for this data, only a few records fail - it's because those records have a day that is higher than 12 and SF can interpret it a month.
Check my email about how to fix this, ok?