I am just starting out and my screen does not look like the directions, I cant find the create button. I switched through both versions lightning and classic and neither looks like the directions.
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
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Wow I made that way harder than it needed to be. It looks right now, thank you!
Oh, ok, now I can see it. That's not the same issue at all. Somehow you clicked randomly on changing to Salesforce's Classic interface. That's the old one that is still there for people who are used to it but they added the newer Lightning interface a few years ago. That's the one the labs are set up for. You can toggle back and forth between them anytime and do pretty much the same things in each but you'll want to be in Lightning to match the instructions up.
See up by your name in the upper right area, it says "Switch to Lightning Experience"? Click on that and everything will look right for you.
Let me know, ok?
ok I downloaded Firefox and it still looks the same as in safari. I read all the instructions on the lab but I just can't figure it out. Attached is what my screen looks like and it doesn't look like the lab instructions.
Well, you could download Firefox and try that. Its standard settings should work but there's a setting listed for it too, on the cover page of Lab 1a at the top, to be safe. If that doesn't work, post a screencap of what you're seeing that doesn't look right so we can confirm what's going on, ok?
I also have this same problem, I am using safari and unchecked prevent cross site tracking but it still looks the same even after I reopened the assignment. Is there anything else I can do?
Oh, good. Yes, Salesforce pulls things off multiple servers with different URLs so that's why it has to be "all sites." Glad it worked. Sorry for the hassle. Hope the rest is smooth for you!
If you're not seeing those instructions, your instructor must not have given you the very lastest vesion of the lab assignment. Can you email me at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com to let me know the name of your instructor so I can let her/him know they need to get the latest version?
And as for allowing cookies for that site, it's a bit more complicated than that because Salesforce is using multiple servers to serve the various pages you're accessing. Basically, if you're using Chrome, you need to allow all cookies, not just for that one SF site. (For Safari, uncheck Prevent Cross-site tracking.) You can always switch it back to a safer/more private setting after you're done working with Salesforce. Or you can download a new browser, like Firefox, and just leave the settings as they are by default and use that only for the lab assignments.
Let me know, ok?
Yeah, that's due to your browser security settings conflicting with Salesforce.
Check the cover sheet. I should say "Salesforce make not work right unless you ...." and then it tells the settings needed for each browser.
Let me know, ok?