My investment amount is shown in Euros. Can I know how to change it in dollars? Thank you.
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I'm glad! Thanks for letting me know.
Ok, go to Setup then on the left, click Company Settings and then under than click Company Info. Then click the Edit button.
Then, scroll down to find Currency Locale and use the menu to select English (United States).
Then click Save at the bottom. Then is should show "$" for you.
Let me know, ok?
Okay, thank you so much.
I see what you mean now. Yes, it is based on the location from which you applied for your account. I'm sure your instructor won't mind if you leave everything in Euros. But if you really want to make it dollars, you have to change some settings. Let me take a look and get back to you ASAP.
I mean this one. How to make it in dollars. Is it related to language and time zone?
Sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question. The charge is $19.99 in USD. When you pay via PayPal in Euros, it should be 16.47 but there may be a small conversion fee added by PayPal.
Does that answer your question? If not, perhaps you can rephrase?