Hi, do I need to fix my mistakes before I generate my certificate?
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Well if you follow the link at the end of the error message, it should explain that BOTH the Field Label and the Field Name have to be correct for the grader to see the name properly so you have to fix both. Yours only says "Contact" for the Field Name. Also, it explains that Field Names can NOT have spaces so when you fix it you need to put and underscore for the space so "Contact_Name". Then, Save and then the grader will see it and update your score - but don't forget to run the scoring routine again in the Developer Console and THEN update the page to see the newer scores, ok?
Try that and let me know, ok?
Yes I did, but I'm not understanding how it is wrong. Maybe under field name it is suppose to automatically fill in after clicking tab? (Step 26) It is saying that the contact field name is spelled incorrectly. Was it supposed to be auto filled or can I just type in Contact Name? Also, can I get zoom help with this? I don't want to lose points on this lab.
Well, for each one there should be a link to instructions on how to fix it. Have you tried those out?
I don't understand the mistakes. I followed all the steps and it was pretty clear to me.
Only if you want to get a higher score. And even after you generate the certificate, you can still fix things to get more points and then re-generate it. But just make sure you finish grading 1a before starting 1b, ok? And same for the others - finish grading one before going on to the next because sometimes, you change things in one lab that you did before in the last one and that would mess up the grader.