Hello, I signed up on this link https://developer.salesforce.com/signup (it is the link provided on lab 1a), I signed up with my yorku email (so a google account). I never got the chance to create a password, it never gave me the option to create my password. I am lost, what should I do next? I also create a new gmail account and signed up on that link as well and it happened the exact same - it never gave me the option to create a password, therefore I cannot sign in/ complete the labs.
Please advise what should I do.
Thank you,
so you created a brand new Gmail account and it still didn’t give you a chance to create a password?
If so, try creating another new Gmail account and go through the process again using a different browser. Also make sure you’re using the browser settings given at the top of the lab and a cover sheet. Let me know OK?