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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
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Yes, computers are super-picky so you have to take your time, focus and go step-by-step making sure you do each and every instruction and get each one exaclty right. That way you can avoid making mistakes that take way longer to fix in the end.
Ok, so the best way to start over is to get a brand new Salesforce account. Go back to Max's instructions on page 2 and do everything she says, exactly as she says, to get the account and be 100% certain that you click Submit only once, no matter what, ok? You will need to set a new username which, as Max explains, can be anthing that LOOKS like an email address, even if it is not a valid email.
Then in the Welcome email you get back from Salesforce, note they give you a special custom link for logging in from now on. Always use that to log into your new account with your new username, ok?
Then follow each and every step carefully and you will have zero problems and get 100%, ok?