After trying to install the grader app I am met with a screen that basically tells me that my "organization" is not compatable with the grader app. How do I fix this? I was forced to accecpt a zero on the first lab due to this issue! Please help! Thank you.
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Sorry you're stuck but there's almost always a pretty easy fix! Do NOT try to start all over again, eg. uninstall Max's Pitch Package, etc. That can make things worse.
Before you post make sure you check the Help FAQ for an instant solution first. Then, if you can't find it there, you can post your problem here and we'll get to it ASAP (within 24 hours), but be sure you:
post in the right category
explain the problem clearly
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Yeah, you got the wrong kind of Salesforce account. I'm guessing you went directly to their home page and got the 30-day free trial. this also explains why you couldn't open the Marketing app.
Sorry, but we do have bolded warnings in two places, the cover page and also the instructions on page 2 that tell you how to get the account, stressing to be sure to use the link given by Max to get the right type of account, a Developer Edition account.
You'll have to abadone that account you got and use the link Max gives to get the Developer Edition type of account.
Unfortunately, computers are super picky so you'll want to take your time and read & follow all the instructions carefully, including the cover pages, so you can avoid mistakes that can take way longer to fix in the end.
Hope the rest is smooth for you.