I have completed and graded by lab 1b. I already have generated the certificate, which shows my overall grade for the lab. Per the professors instructions we must save the certificate directly from the MaxLab grader as a pdf. We have been instructed to not screen cap. There is no option in MaxLab grader for me to save the certificate as a pdf. The drop down menu when I click on the certificate does not give me an option to save image, therefore I can not save my certificate directly from the website. please advise. Below I have attached the drop down menu I receive when control-clicking on the certificate. Additionally I am on a MacBook.

Well, this may be the first semester your instructor has been using the grader with the labs so they may not realize that the certificates are image files rather than PDFs. It's really best to just submit them as the image files that download. If you really want to, you can open the image file in Preview on your Mac and then use the Export As PDF option under Files. But really they should accept the image files themselves.
If you email me at tim.hill@themaxlabsproject.com and let me know who your instructor is, I can let them know about this.