I have completed all of the steps for 1a but I cannot get a grade.
When I enter the code into the developer console it just gives me a zero
Now to preface, do have an object named pitch, it has not been deleted, I have not started Lab1b
What can be done to fix this?
Great! Thanks for letting me know. Happy to help. 😊
Pretty sure you have gotten multiple accounts with the same username and you have created the Pitch object in one account and you have installed the grader into another account where there is no Pitch object yet.
In your email you probably have multiple Welcome emails from SF, each showing the same username but each also showing a unique custom URL that is alwyas different for every account. To log in, always use the custom URL given in that one email to access that one account. If you try each of those accounts, you'll find the Pitch object, I'm sure. Then you need to make sure you isntall the grader into that account and always use that one from now on.
To make sure you are installing the grader into the right account, you need to use the domain part of that account's custom URL as shown in this posting:
and you'll need to do the same thing when you install Max's Pitch Package in Lab 1b.
Let me know, ok?